7 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ghafir (The Forgiver)

40:7Those who carry the Throne, and those around it, glorify their Lord with praise, and believe in Him, and ask for forgiveness for those who believe: “Our Lord, You have encompassed everything in mercy and knowledge; so forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and protect them from the agony of the Blaze.

40:11They will say, “Our Lord, you made us die twice, and twice you gave us life. Now we acknowledge our sins. Is there any way out?”

40:19He knows the deceptions of the eyes, and what the hearts conceal.

40:42You call me to reject God, and to associate with Him what I have no knowledge of, while I call you to the Mighty Forgiver.

40:57Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of humanity, but most people do not know.

40:70Those who call the Book a lie, and what We sent Our messengers with—they will surely know.

40:83When their messengers came to them with clear proofs, they rejoiced in the knowledge they had, and the very things they used to ridicule besieged them.