6 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ghafir (The Forgiver)

40:2The sending down of the Scripture is from God the Almighty, the Omniscient.

40:8And admit them, Our Lord, into the Gardens of Eternity, which You have promised them, and the righteous among their parents, and their spouses, and their offspring. You are indeed the Almighty, the Most Wise.

40:29O my people! Yours is the dominion today, supreme in the land; but who will help us against God’s might, should it fall upon us?” Pharaoh said, “I do not show you except what I see, and I do not guide you except to the path of prudence.”

40:42You call me to reject God, and to associate with Him what I have no knowledge of, while I call you to the Mighty Forgiver.

40:84Then, when they witnessed Our might, they said, “We believe in God alone, and we reject what we used to associate with Him.”

40:85But their faith could not help them once they witnessed Our might. This has been God’s way of dealing with His servants. And there and then the disbelievers lost.