13 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ghafir (The Forgiver)

40:24To Pharaoh, Hamaan, and Quaroon. But they said, “A lying sorcerer.”

40:25Then, when he came to them with the truth from Us, they said, “Kill the sons of those who have believed with him, and spare their daughters.” But the scheming of the unbelievers can only go astray.

40:26Pharaoh said, “Leave me to kill Moses, and let him appeal to his Lord. I fear he may change your religion, or spread disorder in the land.”

40:27Moses said, “I have sought the protection of my Lord and your Lord, from every tyrant who does not believe in the Day of Account.”

40:28A believing man from Pharaoh's family, who had concealed his faith, said, “Are you going to kill a man for saying, `My Lord is God,’ and he has brought you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, his lying will rebound upon him; but if he is truthful, then some of what he promises you will befall you. God does not guide the extravagant imposter.

40:29O my people! Yours is the dominion today, supreme in the land; but who will help us against God’s might, should it fall upon us?” Pharaoh said, “I do not show you except what I see, and I do not guide you except to the path of prudence.”

40:30The one who had believed said, “O my people, I fear for you the like of the day of the confederates.

40:34Joseph had come to you with clear revelations, but you continued to doubt what he came to you with. Until, when he perished, you said, “God will never send a messenger after him.” Thus God leads astray the outrageous skeptic.

40:36And Pharaoh said, “O Hamaan, build me a tower, that I may reach the pathways.

40:38The one who had believed said, “O my people, follow me, and I will guide you to the path of rectitude.”

40:60Your Lord has said, “Pray to Me, and I will respond to you. But those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell forcibly.”

40:73Then it will be said to them, “Where are those you used to deify?

40:84Then, when they witnessed Our might, they said, “We believe in God alone, and we reject what we used to associate with Him.”