7 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ghafir (The Forgiver)

40:11They will say, “Our Lord, you made us die twice, and twice you gave us life. Now we acknowledge our sins. Is there any way out?”

40:36And Pharaoh said, “O Hamaan, build me a tower, that I may reach the pathways.

40:37The pathways of the heavens, so that I may glance at the God of Moses; though I think he is lying.” Thus Pharaoh’s evil deeds were made to appear good to him, and he was averted from the path. Pharaoh's guile was only in defeat.

40:50They will say, “Did not your messengers come to you with clear signs?” They will say, “Yes.” They will say, “Then pray, but the prayers of the disbelievers will always be in vain.”

40:62Such is God, your Lord, Creator of all things. There is no god except Him; so how could you turn away?

40:63Thus are turned away those who dispute the signs of God.

40:85But their faith could not help them once they witnessed Our might. This has been God’s way of dealing with His servants. And there and then the disbelievers lost.