10 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Fussilat (Explained in detail)

41:6Say, “I am only a human like you; it is inspired in me that your God is One God. So be upright towards Him, and seek forgiveness from Him.” And woe to the idolaters.

41:9Say, “Do you reject the One who created the earth in two days? And you attribute equals to Him? That is the Lord of the Universe.”

41:21And they will say to their skins, “Why did you testify against us?” They will say, “God, Who made all things speak, made us speak. It is He who created you the first time, and to Him you are returned.”

41:37And of His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down to the sun, nor to the moon, but bow down to God, Who created them both, if it is Him that you serve.

41:38But if they are too proud—those in the presence of your Lord praise Him night and day, and without ever tiring.

41:46Whoever acts righteously does so for himself; and whoever works evil does so against himself. Your Lord is not unjust to the servants.

41:47To Him is referred the knowledge of the Hour. No fruit emerges from its sheath, and no female conceives or delivers, except with His knowledge. And on the Day when He calls out to them, “Where are My associates?” They will say, “We admit to you, none of us is a witness.”

41:49The human being never tires of praying for good things; but when adversity afflicts him, he despairs and loses hope.

41:50And when We let him taste a mercy from Us, after the adversity that had afflicted him, he will say, “This is mine, and I do not think that the Hour is coming; and even if I am returned to my Lord, I will have the very best with Him.” We will inform those who disbelieve of what they did, and We will make them taste an awful punishment.

41:51When We provide comfort for the human being, he withdraws and distances himself; but when adversity befalls him, he starts lengthy prayers.