11 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ash-Shura (Consultation)

42:4To him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.

42:5The heavens above them almost burst apart, while the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on earth. God is indeed the Forgiver, the Merciful.

42:9Or have they adopted protectors besides him? But God is the Protector, and He gives life to the dead, and He has power over all things.

42:10Whatever matter you differ about, its judgment rests with God. “Such is God, my Lord, in Whom I trust, and unto Him I repent.”

42:22You will see the unjust terrified of what they have earned, and it will befall them. As for those who believe and do good deeds, they will be in the Meadows of the Gardens; they will have whatever they please in the presence of their Lord; that is the supreme blessing.

42:24Or do they say, “He forged a lie about God.” If God so willed, He could have sealed your heart. But God obliterates the false, and confirm the true by His Words. He knows what is in the hearts.

42:27If God were to increase the provision to His servants, they would transgress on earth; but He sends down in precise measure whatever He wills. Surely, regarding His servants, He is Expert and Observant.

42:33If He willed, He could have stilled the winds, leaving them motionless on its surface. Surely in that are signs for every disciplined, grateful person.

42:36Whatever thing you are given is only the provision of this life. But what God possesses is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord.

42:37And those who avoid major sins and indecencies; and if they become angry, they forgive.

42:48But if they turn away—We did not send you as a guardian over them. Your only duty is communication. Whenever We let man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices in it; but when misfortune befalls them, as a consequence of what their hands have perpetrated, man turns blasphemous.