20 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ash-Shura (Consultation)

42:5The heavens above them almost burst apart, while the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those on earth. God is indeed the Forgiver, the Merciful.

42:6As for those who take masters other than Him: God is in charge of them, and you are not responsible for them.

42:8Had God willed, He could have made them one community, but He admits into His mercy whomever He wills. As for the wrongdoers, they will have no protector and no savior.

42:13He prescribed for you the same religion He enjoined upon Noah, and what We inspired to you, and what We enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus: “You shall uphold the religion, and be not divided therein.” As for the idolaters, what you call them to is outrageous to them. God chooses to Himself whom He wills, and He guides to Himself whoever repents.

42:14They became divided only after knowledge came to them, out of resentment among themselves. Were it not for a predetermined decision from your Lord, judgment would have been pronounced between them. Indeed, those who were made to inherit the Book after them are in grave doubt about it.

42:16As for those who dispute about God after having answered His call, their argument is invalid with their Lord; and upon them falls wrath; and a grievous torment awaits them.

42:21Or is it that they have partners who litigate for them religious laws never authorized by God? Were it not for the conclusive decision, it would have been settled between them. The wicked will have a painful punishment.

42:22You will see the unjust terrified of what they have earned, and it will befall them. As for those who believe and do good deeds, they will be in the Meadows of the Gardens; they will have whatever they please in the presence of their Lord; that is the supreme blessing.

42:26And He answers those who believe and do good deeds, and He increases them of His grace. But the disbelievers will suffer a terrible punishment.

42:29And of His signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He has spread throughout them; and He is Able to gather them at will.

42:33If He willed, He could have stilled the winds, leaving them motionless on its surface. Surely in that are signs for every disciplined, grateful person.

42:34Or He could wreck them, because of what they have earned. And yet He pardons much.

42:35Those who dispute Our signs know that there is no asylum for them.

42:38And those who respond to their Lord, and pray regularly, and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and give of what We have provided them.

42:39And those who, when wronged, defend themselves.

42:41As for those who retaliate after being wronged, there is no blame on them.

42:45And you will see them exposed to it, cowering from disgrace, looking with concealed eyes. Those who believed will say, “The losers are those who lost themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.” Indeed, the evildoers are in a lasting torment.

42:46They will have no allies to support them against God. Whomever God leaves astray has no way out.

42:48But if they turn away—We did not send you as a guardian over them. Your only duty is communication. Whenever We let man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices in it; but when misfortune befalls them, as a consequence of what their hands have perpetrated, man turns blasphemous.

42:50Or He combines them together, males and females; and He renders whomever He wills sterile. He is Knowledgeable and Capable.