8 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments of gold)

43:17Yet when one of them is given news of what he attributes to the Most Gracious, his face darkens, and he suppresses grief.

43:19And they appoint the angels, who are servants to the Most Gracious, as females. Have they witnessed their creation? Their claim will be recorded, and they will be questioned.

43:20And they say, “Had the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshiped them.” But they have no knowledge of that; they are merely guessing.

43:33Were it not that humanity would become a single community, We would have provided those who disbelieve in the Most Gracious with roofs of silver to their houses, and stairways by which they ascend.

43:36Whoever shuns the remembrance of the Most Gracious, We assign for him a devil, to be his companion.

43:45Ask those of Our messengers We sent before you: “Did We appoint gods besides the Most Gracious to be worshiped?”

43:78We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth.

43:81Say, “If the Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worship.”