24 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments of gold)

43:4And it is with Us, in the Source Book, sublime and wise.

43:13That you may mount their backs, and remember the favor of your Lord as you sit firmly upon them, and say, “Glory be to Him Who placed these at our service; surely we could not have done it by ourselves.

43:14And surely, to our Lord we will return.”

43:22But they say, “We found our parents on a course, and we are guided in their footsteps.”

43:23Likewise, We sent no warner before you to any town, but the wealthy among them said, “We found our parents on a course, and we are following in their footsteps.”

43:24He would say, “Even if I bring you better guidance than what you found your parents following?” They would say, “We reject what you are sent with.”

43:32Is it they who allocate the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have allocated their livelihood in this life, and We elevated some of them in rank above others, that some of them would take others in service. But your Lord’s mercy is better than what they amass.

43:35And decorations. Yet all that is nothing but the stuff of this life. Yet the Hereafter, with your Lord, is for the righteous.

43:44It is a message for you, and for your people; and you will be questioned.

43:45Ask those of Our messengers We sent before you: “Did We appoint gods besides the Most Gracious to be worshiped?”

43:46We sent Moses with Our revelations to Pharaoh and his dignitaries. He said, “I am the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds.”

43:47But when he showed them Our signs, they started laughing at them.

43:49They said, “O sorcerer, pray to your Lord for us, according to His pledge to you, and then we will be guided.”

43:55And when they provoked Our wrath, We took retribution from them, and We drowned them all.

43:57And when the son of Mary was cited as an example, your people opposed.

43:58They said, “Are our gods better, or he?” They cited him only for argument. In fact, they are a quarrelsome people.

43:61He is a portent of the Hour, so have no doubt about it, and follow Me. This is a straight way.

43:64God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him—this is a straight path.”

43:66Are they only waiting for the Hour to come upon them suddenly, while they are unaware?

43:69Those who believed in Our revelations, and were submissive.

43:70Enter the Garden, you and your spouses, Joyfully.

43:77And they will cry, “O Malek, let your Lord finish us off.” He will say, “You are staying.”

43:80Or do they think that We cannot hear their secrets and their conspiracies? Yes indeed, Our messengers are by them, writing down.

43:85And blessed is He Who has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He alone has knowledge of the Hour, and to Him you will be returned.