22 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Muhammad (Muhammad)

47:2While those who believe, and work righteousness, and believe in what was sent down to Muhammad—and it is the truth from their Lord—He remits their sins, and relieves their concerns.

47:4When you encounter those who disbelieve, strike at their necks. Then, when you have routed them, bind them firmly. Then, either release them by grace, or by ransom, until war lays down its burdens. Had God willed, He could have defeated them Himself, but He thus tests some of you by means of others. As for those who are killed in the way of God, He will not let their deeds go to waste.

47:6And will admit them into Paradise, which He has identified for them.

47:8But as for those who disbelieve, for them is perdition, and He will waste their deeds.

47:11That is because God is the Master of those who believe, while the disbelievers have no master.

47:12God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow. As for those who disbelieve, they enjoy themselves, and eat as cattle eat, and the Fire will be their dwelling.

47:13How many a town was more powerful than your town which evicted you? We destroyed them, and there was no helper for them.

47:16Among them are those who listen to you, but when they leave your presence, they say to those given knowledge, “What did he say just now?” Those are they whose hearts God has sealed, and they follow their own desires.

47:17As for those who are guided, He increases them in guidance, and He has granted them their righteousness.

47:18Are they just waiting until the Hour comes to them suddenly? Its tokens have already come. But how will they be reminded when it has come to them?

47:19Know that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and for the believing men and believing women. God knows your movements, and your resting-place.

47:23Those are they whom God has cursed. He made them deaf, and blinded their sight.

47:25Those who reverted after the guidance became clear to them—Satan has enticed them, and has given them latitude.

47:26That is because they said to those who hated what God has revealed, “We will obey you in certain matters.” But God knows their secret thoughts.

47:28That is because they pursued what displeases God, and they disliked His approval, so He nullified their works.

47:31We will certainly test you, until We know those among you who strive, and those who are steadfast, and We will test your reactions.

47:32Those who disbelieve, and hinder from the path of God, and oppose the Messenger after guidance has become clear to them—they will not hurt God in the least, but He will nullify their deeds.

47:33O you who believe! obey God, and obey the Messenger, and do not let your deeds go to waste.

47:34Those who disbelieve, and hinder from God’s path, and then die as disbelievers—God will not forgive them.

47:35So do not waver and call for peace while you have the upper hand. God is with you, and He will not waste your efforts.

47:36The life of this word is nothing but play and pastime. But if you have faith and lead a righteous life, He will grant you your rewards, and He will not ask you for your possessions.

47:37Were He to ask you for it, and press you, you would become tightfisted, and He would expose your unwillingness.