3 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Maaida (The Table)

5:76Say, “Do you worship, besides God, what has no power to harm or benefit you?” But God: He is the Hearer, the Knower.

5:109On the Day when God will gather the messengers, then say, “What response were you given?” They will say, “We have no knowledge; it is you who are the Knower of the unseen.”

5:116And God will say, “O Jesus son of Mary, did you say to the people, `Take me and my mother as gods rather than God?'“ He will say, “Glory be to You! It is not for me to say what I have no right to. Had I said it, You would have known it. You know what is in my soul, and I do not know what is in your soul. You are the Knower of the hidden.