13 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Adh-Dhaariyat (The Winnowing Winds)

51:18And at dawn, they would pray for pardon.

51:20And on earth are signs for the convinced.

51:24Has the story of Abraham’s honorable guests reached you?

51:25When they entered upon him, they said, “Peace.” He said, “Peace, strangers.”

51:33“To unleash upon them rocks of clay.”

51:36But found in it only one household of Muslims.

51:42It spared nothing it came upon, but rendered it like decayed ruins.

51:44But they defied the command of their Lord, so the lightning struck them as they looked on.

51:47We constructed the universe with power, and We are expanding it.

51:49We created all things in pairs, so that you may reflect and ponder.

51:53Did they recommend it to one another? In fact, they are rebellious people.

51:58God is the Provider, the One with Power, the Strong.

51:59Those who do wrong will have their turn, like the turn of their counterparts, so let them not rush Me.