16 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Adh-Dhaariyat (The Winnowing Winds)

51:5What you are promised is true.

51:8You differ in what you say.

51:14“Taste your ordeal. This is what you used to challenge.”

51:21And within yourselves. Do you not see?

51:22And in the heaven is your livelihood, and what you are promised.

51:23By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, it is as true as the fact that you speak.

51:24Has the story of Abraham’s honorable guests reached you?

51:27He set it before them. He said, “Will you not eat?”

51:30They said, “Thus spoke your Lord. He is the Wise, the Knowing.”

51:31He said, “What is your business, O envoys?”

51:34“Marked by your Lord for the excessive.”

51:43And in Thamood. They were told, “Enjoy yourselves for a while.”

51:49We created all things in pairs, so that you may reflect and ponder.

51:50“So flee towards God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.”

51:51“And do not set up any other god with God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.”

51:54So turn away from them; you are not to blame.