18 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / At-Tur (The Mount)

52:3In a published scroll.

52:7The punishment of your Lord is coming.

52:8There is nothing to avert it.

52:14“This is the Fire which you used to deny.

52:15Is this magic, or do you not see?

52:16Burn in it. Whether you are patient, or impatient, it is the same for you. You are only being repaid for what you used to do.”

52:17But the righteous will be amid gardens and bliss.

52:20Relaxing on luxurious furnishings; and We will couple them with gorgeous spouses.

52:21Those who believed and their offspring followed them in faith—We will unite them with their offspring, and We will not deprive them of any of their works. Every person is hostage to what he has earned.

52:23They will exchange therein a cup; wherein is neither harm, nor sin.

52:26They will say, “Before this, we were fearful for our families.

52:28Before this, we used to pray to Him. He is the Good, the Compassionate.”

52:32Or is it that their dreams compel them to this? Or are they aggressive people?

52:34So let them produce a discourse like it, if they are truthful.

52:38Or do they have a stairway by means of which they listen? Then let their listener produce a clear proof.

52:42Or are they planning a conspiracy? The conspiracy will befall the disbelievers.

52:47For those who do wrong, there is a punishment besides that; but most of them do not know.

52:48So patiently await the decision of your Lord, for you are before Our Eyes; and proclaim the praises of your Lord when you arise.