12 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Najm (The Star)

53:1By the star as it goes down.

53:2Your friend has not gone astray, nor has he erred.

53:7While he was at the highest horizon.

53:9He was within two bows’ length, or closer.

53:16As there covered the Lotus Tree what covered it.

53:23These are nothing but names, which you have devised, you and your ancestors, for which God sent down no authority. They follow nothing but assumptions, and what the ego desires, even though guidance has come to them from their Lord.

53:25To God belong the Last and the First.

53:28They have no knowledge of that. They only follow assumptions, and assumptions are no substitute for the truth.

53:29So avoid him who has turned away from Our remembrance, and desires nothing but the present life.

53:30That is the extent of their knowledge. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who has accepted guidance.

53:32Those who avoid gross sins and indecencies—except for minor lapses—your Lord is of Vast Forgiveness. He knows you well, ever since He created you from the earth, and ever since you were embryos in your mothers’ wombs. So do not acclaim your own virtue; He is fully aware of the righteous.

53:36Or was he not informed of what is in the Scrolls of Moses?