27 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Najm (The Star)

53:1By the star as it goes down.

53:4It is but a revelation revealed.

53:9He was within two bows’ length, or closer.

53:11The heart did not lie about what it saw.

53:12Will you dispute with him concerning what he saw?

53:14At the Lotus Tree of the Extremity.

53:16As there covered the Lotus Tree what covered it.

53:17The sight did not waver, nor did it exceed.

53:23These are nothing but names, which you have devised, you and your ancestors, for which God sent down no authority. They follow nothing but assumptions, and what the ego desires, even though guidance has come to them from their Lord.

53:28They have no knowledge of that. They only follow assumptions, and assumptions are no substitute for the truth.

53:31To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. He will repay those who do evil according to their deeds, and recompense those who do good with the best.

53:34And gave a little, and held back?

53:40And that his efforts will be witnessed.

53:41Then he will be rewarded for it the fullest reward.

53:42And that to your Lord is the finality.

53:43And that it is He who causes laughter and weeping.

53:44And that it is He who gives death and life.

53:45And that it is He who created the two kinds—the male and the female.

53:46From a sperm drop, when emitted.

53:48And that it is He who enriches and impoverishes.

53:49And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius.

53:50And that it is He who destroyed the first Aad.

53:53And He toppled the ruined cities.

53:54And covered them with whatever covered them.

53:57The inevitable is imminent.

53:58None besides God can unveil it.

53:61Lost in your frivolity?