8 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-An'aam (The Cattle)

6:19Say, “What thing is more solemn in testimony?” Say, “God is Witness between you and me. This Quran was revealed to me, that I may warn you with it, and whomever it may reach. Do you indeed testify that there are other gods with God?” Say, “I myself do not testify.” Say, “He is but One God, and I am innocent of your idolatry.”

6:32The life of this world is nothing but game and distraction, but the Home of the Hereafter is better for those who are righteous. Do you not understand?

6:39Those who reject Our revelations are deaf and dumb, in total darkness. Whomever God wills, He leaves astray; and whomever He wills, He sets on a straight path.

6:83That was Our argument which We gave to Abraham against his people. We elevate by degrees whomever We will. Your Lord is Wise and Informed.

6:88Such is God’s guidance. He guides with it whomever He wills of His servants. Had they associated, their deeds would have gone in vain.

6:125Whomever God desires to guide, He spreads open his heart to Islam; and whomever He desires to misguide, He makes his heart narrow, constricted, as though he were climbing up the sky. God thus lays defilement upon those who do not believe.

6:127For them is the Home of Peace with their Lord, and He is their Master—because of what they used to do.

6:133Your Lord is the Rich Beyond Need, the Possessor of Mercy. If He wills, he can do away with you, and substitute whomever He wills in your place, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people.