7 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-An'aam (The Cattle)

6:27If only you could see, when they are made to stand before the Fire; they will say, “If only we could be sent back, and not reject the revelations of our Lord, and be among the faithful.”

6:28What they used to conceal before will become clear to them. And even if they were sent back, they would revert to what they were forbidden. They are liars.

6:31Losers are those who deny the encounter with God. Then, when the Hour comes upon them suddenly, they will say, “Alas for us, how we have neglected it.” And they will carry their burdens on their backs—evil is what they carry.

6:62Then they are brought back to God, their True Master. Unquestionably, His is the judgment, and He is the Swiftest of reckoners.

6:71Say, “Shall we invoke besides God something that can neither benefit us nor harm us, and turn back on our heels after God has guided us; like someone seduced by the devils and confused on earth, who has friends calling him to guidance: 'Come to us'?” Say, “The guidance of God is the guidance, and we are commanded to surrender to the Lord of the Universe.”

6:138And they say, “These animals and crops are restricted; none may eat them except those we permit,” by their claims, and animals whose backs are forbidden, and animals over which they do not pronounce the name of God—fabricating lies against Him. He will repay them for what they used to invent.

6:146For the Jews We forbade everything with claws. As of cattle and sheep: We forbade them their fat, except what adheres to their backs, or the entrails, or what is mixed with bone. This is how We penalized them for their inequity. We are indeed truthful.