15 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-A'raaf (The Heights)

7:45“Those who hinder from the path of God, and seek to distort it, and who deny the Hereafter.”

7:56And do not corrupt on earth after its reformation, and pray to Him with fear and hope. God’s mercy is close to the doers of good.

7:69“Are you surprised that a reminder has come to you from your Lord, through a man from among you, to warn you? Remember how He made you successors after the people of Noah, and increased you greatly in stature. And remember God’s blessings, so that you may prosper.”

7:74“And remember how He made you successors after Aad, and settled you in the land. You make for yourselves mansions on its plains, and carve out dwellings in the mountains. So remember God’s benefits, and do not roam the earth corruptingly.”

7:81“You lust after men rather than women. You are an excessive people.”

7:89“We would be fabricating falsehood against God, if we were to return to your religion, after God has saved us from it. It is not for us to return to it, unless God, our Lord, wills. Our Lord embraces all things in knowledge. In God we place our trust. Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of Deciders.”

7:100Is it not guidance for those who inherit the land after its inhabitants, that if We willed, We could strike them for their sins? And seal up their hearts, so that they would not hear?

7:103Then, after them, We sent Moses with Our miracles to Pharaoh and his establishment, but they denounced them. So consider the end of the evildoers.

7:129They said, “We were persecuted before you came to us, and after you came to us.” He said, “Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy, and make you successors in the land; then He will see how you behave.”

7:147Those who deny Our revelations and the meeting of the Hereafter—their deeds will come to nothing. Will they be repaid except according to what they used to do?

7:153As for those who commit sins, and then repent afterwards and believe—your Lord, thereafter, is Forgiving and Merciful.

7:156“And inscribe for us goodness in this world, and in the Hereafter. We have turned to You.” He said, “My punishment—I inflict it upon whomever I will, but My mercy encompasses all things. I will specify it for those who act righteously and practice regular charity, and those who believe in Our signs.”

7:169They were succeeded by generations who inherited the Scripture and chose the materials of this world, saying, “We will be forgiven.” And should similar materials come their way, they would again seize them. Did they not make a covenant to uphold the Scripture, and to not say about God except the truth? Did they not study its contents? But the Home of the Hereafter is better for the cautious; will you not understand?

7:173Nor can you Say, “Our ancestors practiced idolatry before; and we are their descendants who came after them; will you destroy us for what the falsifiers did?”

7:175And relate to them the story of him to whom We delivered Our signs, but he detached himself from them, so Satan went after him, and he became one of the perverts.