13 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-A'raaf (The Heights)

7:22So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”

7:29Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”

7:44And the inhabitants of the Garden will call out to the inmates of the Fire, “We found what our Lord promised us to be true; did you find what your Lord promised you to be true?” They will say, “Yes.” Thereupon a caller will announce in their midst, “The curse of God is upon the wrongdoers.”

7:46And between them is a partition, and on the Elevations are men who recognize everyone by their features. They will call to the inhabitants of the Garden, “Peace be upon you.” They have not entered it, but they are hoping.

7:48And the dwellers of the Elevations will call to men they recognize by their features, saying, “Your hoardings did not avail you, nor did your arrogance.”

7:50The inmates of the Fire will call on the inhabitants of the Garden, “Pour some water over us, or some of what God has provided for you.” They will say, “God has forbidden them for the disbelievers.”

7:55Call upon your Lord humbly and privately. He does not love the aggressors.

7:64But they called him a liar. So We saved him and those with him in the Ark, and We drowned those who rejected Our revelations. They were blind people.

7:180To God belong the Most Beautiful Names, so call Him by them, and disregard those who blaspheme His names. They will be repaid for what they used to do.

7:194Those you call upon besides God are servants like you. So call upon them, and let them answer you, if you are truthful.

7:195Do they have feet with which they walk? Or do they have hands with which they strike? Or do they have eyes with which they see? Or do they have ears with which they hear? Say, “Call upon your partners, then plot against me, and do not wait.”

7:197Those you call upon besides Him cannot help you, nor can they help themselves.

7:198And if you call them to guidance, they will not hear. And you see them looking at you, yet they do not see.