4 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-A'raaf (The Heights)

7:85And to Median, their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, worship God; you have no god other than Him. A clear proof has come to you from your Lord. Give full measure and weight, and do not cheat people out of their rights, and do not corrupt the land once it has been set right. This is better for you, if you are believers.”

7:101These towns—We narrate to you some of their tales. Their messengers came to them with the clear signs, but they would not believe in what they had rejected previously. Thus God seals the hearts of the disbelievers.

7:105“It is only proper that I should not say about God anything other than the truth. I have come to you with clear evidence from your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with me.”

7:201Those who are righteous—when an impulse from Satan strikes them, they remind themselves, and immediately see clearly.