47 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-A'raaf (The Heights)

7:3Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord, and do not follow other masters beside Him. Little you recollect.

7:12He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”

7:13He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”

7:17Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”

7:22So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”

7:25He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”

7:27O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.

7:35O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations—whoever practices piety and reforms—upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

7:45“Those who hinder from the path of God, and seek to distort it, and who deny the Hereafter.”

7:53Are they waiting for anything but its fulfillment? The Day its fulfillment comes true, those who disregarded it before will say, “The messengers of our Lord did come with the truth. Have we any intercessors to intercede for us? Or, could we be sent back, to behave differently from the way we behaved before?” They ruined their souls, and what they used to invent has failed them.

7:61He said, “O my people, I am not in error, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.”

7:62“I deliver to you the messages of my Lord, and I advise you, and I know from God what you do not know.”

7:63“Do you wonder that a reminder has come to you from your Lord, through a man from among you, to warn you, and to lead you to righteousness, so that you may attain mercy?”

7:67He said, “O my people! There is no foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.

7:69“Are you surprised that a reminder has come to you from your Lord, through a man from among you, to warn you? Remember how He made you successors after the people of Noah, and increased you greatly in stature. And remember God’s blessings, so that you may prosper.”

7:71He said, “Condemnation and wrath have befallen you from your Lord. Are you arguing with me over names, which you and your ancestors invented, for which God sent down no authority? Just wait; I am waiting with you.”

7:72So We saved him and those with him, by mercy from Us, and We cut off the roots of those who rejected Our revelations and were not believers.

7:73And to Thamood, their brother Saleh. He said, “O my people! Worship God; you have no god other than Him. Clarification has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel of God is a sign for you. So leave her to graze on God’s earth, and do her no harm, lest a painful penalty seizes you.”

7:75The elite of his people, who were arrogant, said to the common people who had believed, “Do you know that Saleh is sent from his Lord?” They said, “We are believers in what he was sent with.”

7:79Then he turned away from them, and said, “O my people, I have delivered to you the message of my Lord, and I have advised you, but you do not like those who give advice.”

7:82And his people's only answer was to say, “Expel them from your town; they are purist people.”

7:85And to Median, their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, worship God; you have no god other than Him. A clear proof has come to you from your Lord. Give full measure and weight, and do not cheat people out of their rights, and do not corrupt the land once it has been set right. This is better for you, if you are believers.”

7:86“And do not lurk on every path, making threats and turning away from the path of God those who believe in Him, seeking to distort it. And remember how you were few, and how He made you numerous. So note the consequences for the corrupters.”

7:88The arrogant elite among his people said, “O Shuaib, We will evict you from our town, along with those who believe with you, unless you return to our religion.” He said, “Even if we are unwilling?”

7:89“We would be fabricating falsehood against God, if we were to return to your religion, after God has saved us from it. It is not for us to return to it, unless God, our Lord, wills. Our Lord embraces all things in knowledge. In God we place our trust. Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of Deciders.”

7:93So he turned away from them, and said, “O my people, I have delivered to you the messages of my Lord, and I have advised you, so why should I grieve over a disbelieving people?”

7:99Do they feel safe from God’s plan? None feel safe from God’s plan except the losing people.

7:104Moses said, “O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.”

7:105“It is only proper that I should not say about God anything other than the truth. I have come to you with clear evidence from your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with me.”

7:110“He wants to evict you from your land, so what do you recommend?”

7:123Pharaoh said, “Did you believe in Him before I have given you permission? This is surely a conspiracy you schemed in the city, in order to expel its people from it. You will surely know.”

7:134Whenever a plague befell them, they would say, “O Moses, pray to your Lord for us, according to the covenant He made with you. If you lift the plague from us, we will believe in you, and let the Children of Israel go with you.”

7:135But when We lifted the plague from them, for a term they were to fulfill, they broke their promise.

7:141Remember how We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who subjected you to the worst of sufferings—killing your sons and sparing your women. In that was a tremendous trial from your Lord.

7:146I will turn away from My revelations those who behave proudly on earth without justification. Even if they see every sign, they will not believe in it; and if they see the path of rectitude, they will not adopt it for a path; and if they see the path of error, they will adopt it for a path. That is because they denied Our revelations, and paid no attention to them.

7:148In his absence, the people of Moses adopted a calf made from their ornaments—a body which lowed. Did they not see that it could not speak to them, nor guide them in any way? They took it for worship. They were in the wrong.

7:152Those who idolized the calf have incurred wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in this life. We thus requite the innovators.

7:155And Moses chose from his people seventy men for Our appointment. When the tremor shook them, he said, “My Lord, had You willed, You could have destroyed them before, and me too. Will you destroy us for what the fools among us have done? This is but Your test—with it You misguide whomever You will, and guide whomever You will. You are our Protector, so forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are the Best of Forgivers.”

7:157Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him—these are the successful.

7:160We divided them into twelve tribal communities. And We inspired Moses, when his people asked him for something to drink: “Strike the rock with your staff.” Whereupon twelve springs gushed from it. Each group recognized its drinking-place. And We shaded them with clouds, and We sent down upon them manna and quails: “Eat of the good things We have provided for you.” They did not wrong Us, but they used to wrong their own selves.

7:162But the wicked among them substituted other words for the words given to them; so We sent down upon them a plague from the sky, because of their wrongdoing.

7:175And relate to them the story of him to whom We delivered Our signs, but he detached himself from them, so Satan went after him, and he became one of the perverts.

7:182As for those who reject Our messages, We will gradually lead them from where they do not know.

7:189It is He who created you from a single person, and made from it its mate, that he may find comfort with her. Then, when he has covered her, she conceives a light load, and she carries it around. But when she has grown heavy, they pray to God their Lord, “if You give us a good child, we will be among the thankful.”

7:200And when a suggestion from Satan assails you, take refuge with God. He is Hearing and Knowing.

7:201Those who are righteous—when an impulse from Satan strikes them, they remind themselves, and immediately see clearly.

7:203If you do not produce a miracle for them, they say, “Why don’t you improvise one.” Say, “I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord.” These are insights from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy, for a people who believe.