12 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Ma'aarij (The Ascending Stairways)

70:2For the disbelievers; none can repel it.

70:5So be patient, with sweet patience.

70:8On the Day when the sky will be like molten brass.

70:9And the mountains will be like tufted wool.

70:11They will be shown each other. The criminal wishes he would be redeemed from the punishment of that Day by his children.

70:25For the beggar and the deprived.

70:28Their Lord’s punishment is not to be taken for granted.

70:31But whoever seeks to go beyond that—these are the transgressors.

70:35These will be honored in Gardens.

70:36What is with those who disbelieve, stretching their necks towards you.

70:38Is every one of them aspiring to be admitted into a Garden of Bliss?

70:41To replace them with better than they, and We are not to be outdone.