36 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One)

74:4And purify your clothes.

74:8When the Trumpet is blown.

74:10For the disbelievers—not easy.

74:14And smoothed things for him.

74:15Then he wants Me to add yet more!

74:16By no means! He was stubborn towards Our revelations.

74:18He thought and analyzed.

74:19May he perish, how he analyzed.

74:20Again: may he perish, how he analyzed.

74:22Then he frowned and whined.

74:23Then he turned back and was proud.

74:24And said, “This is nothing but magic from the past.

74:25This is nothing but the word of a mortal.”

74:28It neither leaves, nor spares.

74:29It scorches the flesh.

74:31We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and caused their number to be a stumbling block for those who disbelieve; so that those given the Scripture may attain certainty; and those who believe may increase in faith; and those given the Scripture and the believers may not doubt; and those in whose hearts is sickness and the unbelievers may say, “What did God intend by this parable?” Thus God leads astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is nothing but a reminder for the mortals.

74:33And the night as it retreats.

74:34And the morning as it lights up.

74:35It is one of the greatest.

74:36A warning to the mortals.

74:37To whomever among you wishes to advance, or regress.

74:39Except for those on the Right.

74:43They will say, “We were not of those who prayed.

74:44Nor did we feed the destitute.

74:46And we used to deny the Day of Judgment.

74:47Until the Inevitable came upon us.”

74:48But the intercession of intercessors will not help them.

74:49Why are they turning away from the Reminder?

74:50As though they were panicked donkeys.

74:52Yet every one of them desires to be given scrolls unrolled.

74:53No indeed! But they do not fear the Hereafter.

74:54Nevertheless, it is a reminder.

74:56But they will not remember, unless God wills. He is the Source of Righteousness, and the Source of Forgiveness.