16 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Mursalaat (The Emissaries)

77:1By those unleashed in succession.

77:13Until the Day of Decision.

77:14And what will teach you what the Day of Decision is?

77:15Woe on that Day to the liars.

77:19Woe on that Day to the rejecters.

77:24Woe on that Day to the falsifiers.

77:27And set on it lofty mountains, and given you pure water to drink?

77:28Woe on that Day to the deniers.

77:34Woe on that Day to the liars.

77:37Woe on that Day to the rejecters.

77:38This is the Day of Separation; We have gathered you, together with the ancients.

77:40Woe on that Day to the falsifiers.

77:45Woe on that Day to the deniers.

77:47Woe on that Day to the liars.

77:49Woe on that Day to the rejecters.

77:50In what message, beyond this, will they believe?