18 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Anfaal (The Spoils of War)

8:1They ask you about the bounties. Say, “The bounties are for God and the Messenger.” So be mindful of God, and settle your differences, and obey God and His Messenger, if you are believers.

8:2The believers are those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, they strengthen them in faith, and upon their Lord they rely.

8:7God has promised you one of the two groups—that it would be yours—but you wanted the unarmed group to be yours. God intends to prove the truth with His words, and to uproot the disbelievers.

8:13That is because they opposed God and His Messenger. Whoever opposes God and His Messenger—God is severe in retribution.

8:16Anyone who turns his back on them on that Day, except while maneuvering for battle, or to join another group, has incurred wrath from God, and his abode is Hell—what a miserable destination!

8:20O you who believe! Obey God and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him when you hear.

8:24O you who believe! Respond to God and to the Messenger when He calls you to what will revive you. And know that God stands between a man and his heart, and that to Him you will be gathered.

8:26And remember when you were few, oppressed in the land, fearing that people may capture you; but He sheltered you, and supported you with His victory, and provided you with good things—so that you may be thankful.

8:31And when Our revelations are recited to them, they say, “We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients.”

8:32And they said, “Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful affliction.”

8:35Their prayer at the House was nothing but whistling and clapping—so taste the punishment for your blasphemy.

8:42Recall when you were on the nearer bank, and they were on the further bank, and the caravan was below you. Had you planned for this meeting, you would have disagreed on the timing, but God was to carry out a predetermined matter, so that those who perish would perish by clear evidence, and those who survive would survive by clear evidence. God is Hearing and Knowing.

8:46And obey God and His Messenger, and do not dispute, lest you falter and lose your courage. And be steadfast. God is with the steadfast.

8:48Satan made their deeds appear good to them, and said, “You cannot be defeated by any people today, and I am at your side.” But when the two armies came in sight of one another, he turned on his heels, and said, “I am innocent of you; I see what you do not see; I fear God; God is severe in punishment.”

8:49The hypocrites and those in whose hearts is sickness said, “Their religion has deluded these people.” But whoever puts his trust in God—God is Mighty and Wise.

8:62If they intend to deceive you—God is sufficient for you. It is He who supported you with His aid, and with the believers.

8:67It is not for a prophet to take prisoners before he has subdued the land. You desire the materials of this world, but God desires the Hereafter. God is Strong and Wise.

8:73As for those who disbelieve, they are allies of one another. Unless you do this, there will be turmoil in the land, and much corruption.