18 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Anfaal (The Spoils of War)

8:11He made drowsiness overcome you, as a security from Him. And He sent down upon you water from the sky, to cleanse you with it, and to rid you of Satan’s pollution, and to fortify your hearts, and to strengthen your foothold.

8:20O you who believe! Obey God and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him when you hear.

8:21And be not like those who say, “We hear,” when they do not hear.

8:22The worst of animals to God are the deaf and dumb—those who do not reason.

8:25And beware of discord which does not afflict the wrongdoers among you exclusively; and know that God is severe in retribution.

8:27O you who believe! Do not betray God and the Messenger, nor betray your trusts, while you know.

8:32And they said, “Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful affliction.”

8:34Yet why should God not punish them, when they are turning others away from the Sacred Mosque, although they are not its custodians? Its rightful custodians are the pious; but most of them do not know.

8:39Fight them until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes exclusively for God. But if they desist—God is Seeing of what they do.

8:46And obey God and His Messenger, and do not dispute, lest you falter and lose your courage. And be steadfast. God is with the steadfast.

8:47And do not be like those who left their homes boastfully, showing off before the people, and barring others from the path of God. God comprehends what they do.

8:48Satan made their deeds appear good to them, and said, “You cannot be defeated by any people today, and I am at your side.” But when the two armies came in sight of one another, he turned on his heels, and said, “I am innocent of you; I see what you do not see; I fear God; God is severe in punishment.”

8:54Such was the case with the people of Pharaoh, and those before them. They denied the signs of their Lord, so We annihilated them for their wrongs, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh—they were all evildoers.

8:58If you fear treachery on the part of a people, break off with them in a like manner. God does not like the treacherous.

8:60And prepare against them all the power you can muster, and all the cavalry you can mobilize, to terrify thereby God’s enemies and your enemies, and others besides them whom you do not know, but God knows them. Whatever you spend in God’s way will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.

8:65O prophet! Rouse the believers to battle. If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred; and if there are a hundred of you, they will defeat a thousand of those who disbelieve; because they are a people who do not understand.

8:72Those who believed, and emigrated, and struggled in God’s cause with their possessions and their persons, and those who provided shelter and support—these are allies of one another. As for those who believed, but did not emigrate, you owe them no protection, until they have emigrated. But if they ask you for help in religion, you must come to their aid, except against a people with whom you have a treaty. God is Seeing of what you do.

8:73As for those who disbelieve, they are allies of one another. Unless you do this, there will be turmoil in the land, and much corruption.